Insight Therapy and Identity

By | November 15, 2018

Insight therapy helps you learn more about the root of your problems and sense of self.

What is Insight Therapy?

What it means to be a man is what it means to be yourself. – Aaron J. Smith

Insight therapy is a form of treatment that incorporates psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, and Jungian models. When you hear the term “insight therapy” you might imagine a type of therapy where you talk about yourself and gain awareness into your identity, which is partially the case, but insight therapy is so much more than that. Different types of treatment fall under the heading of insight therapy such as cognitive therapy and psychoanalysis. There are many ways to get emotional clarity, and you can choose the one that works best for you.

Men and emotional insight

Heteronormative culture often discourages men from looking inward to find solutions to psychological problems. Men are expected to live as if they have no mental health problems. A “real man” is stoic, he doesn’t express vulnerability, and he’s self-sufficient and doesn’t need outside support. These traits, while ingrained in our cultural psyche, are not accurate and detrimental to men, and the boys who are learning their gender identity during formative years.

Insight therapy helps men become more aware of their emotions and how they impact daily functioning. Insight Therapy supports you in finding the answers that you need to know so you can problem solve effectively. One of the ways to gain emotional insight is talk with a counselor or therapist, whether that individual is in your area or online. Online therapy helps you to become a better judge of your emotional wellness. It is convenient for busy professionals or people who live in remote areas. However, you get the help that works for you; it doesn’t matter. It’s essential that you receive support to feel start cultivating healthy relationships.

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Real men don’t look inside

Men are often at a disadvantage because either society or their families tell them that they don’t need therapy and they can tough it out, or “be a man.” The idea of being a man differs from person-to-person. There is no one way to be masculine. There are multiple ways to present a male identity, and no one has the right to dictate what those are. Just as with being a female, nonbinary, or any gender, it is up to the person in question to show who they are in the way that makes sense to them. It’s not helpful to tell someone what their gender identity, nor to presume to know it. Whether that voice comes from the public, family, friends, or coworkers, it’s wrong to dictate someone’s identity. And it isn’t limited to gender; it includes sexual orientation, career choices, political orientation, or religious affiliation.

Behavioral insight

Insight therapy works for individuals who want to know more about themselves, and it also helps those people that already have emotional knowledge. We can always benefit from learning more about who we are, and it’s advantageous to learn about yourself from a therapist who can provide a safe environment for self-discovery. There may be a problem that you’re struggling with, and you don’t know what to do. Maybe you have a behavior that you’re trying to curb such as substance abuse, compulsive spending, or being verbally abusive to others. Insight therapy offers you an opportunity to look inward and find out why you do the things that you do so you can change your behavior.

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One of the benefits of insight therapy is that it provides perspective on identity. Often there is a lack of clarity on who we are because the reality is that you have fragments. You could be a sister, mother, a friend, and someone who works for example in the entertainment industry. Your identity is variable depending on the contacts that you are it. You are not one person but rather a collection of different parts, so if you feel like you don’t know who you are, you’re not alone. Insight therapy is an excellent treatment option Consider trying it so that you can get a better sense of the person that you are.

This is a featured post by site sponsor Better Help.

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The Good Men Project