Tag Archives: Autonomous

Autonomous Pharmacy: An Industry Movement to Free Hospital Pharmacists | Randy Lipps, CEO, Omnicell

Health Tech Feb 3, 2020• By JESSICA DaMASSA, WTF HEALTH From the point at which a medication arrives at a hospital’s receiving dock to the time it’s given to a patient, Omnicell systems are relied on to “store it, package it, barcode it, order it, issue it, and charge it.” Now, CEO Randy Lipps wants… Read More »

Autonomous Monitoring of Healthcare Facilities Using AI and Advanced Sensors: Interview with Chakri Toleti, Founder and CEO of care.ai

care.ai, an artificial intelligence company based in Florida, has partnered with Google to create an autonomous patient monitoring system. By combining multiple sensors in a patient’s room and neural network data analysis, the system can identify and predict accidents and clinical events, in some cases warning healthcare staff before an incident happens. Preventable accidents and… Read More »