Tag Archives: Calories

Calories Burned From Skiing Calculator

How many calories does skiing burn? How many calories burned skiing depends on the level of effort you’re exerting, your body weight and the terrain you’re skiing on. Downhill skiing will burn approximately 300 to 600 calories per hour, although it depends on your body weight. A downhill skier weighing 155 pounds can burn 446… Read More »

How many calories after anorexia

The guidelines are actually set at what energy-balanced, non-eating-disordered people what is the warning signs of diabetes anorexia to maintain their health and weight. These reactions caloriws us to want to remove ourselves from the stimulus that has been identified as a threat. Learning to make small adjustments with good many becomes important when you… Read More »

How long will it take to burn off these calories?: The controversial next step in nutrition labeling

According to scientists, Brits consume, on average, 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone. So, in an experiment published last year in the British Medical Journal, U.K. researchers explored whether providing people with the amount of exercise required to burn off the calories in, say, a single piece of mincemeat pie (21 minutes of running) or… Read More »

Why does diet coke have no calories

So I put on my nerd researcher cap and wanted to see what I could track down. However, is Diet Coke responsible for insulin spikes and increased appetite, which would indirectly cause weight why does diet coke have no calories? But what I found interesting was that on the 20oz bottle it had two boxes… Read More »