Tag Archives: sore

How to treat allergies sore throat

Place the bag or strainer into a teacup or mug and steep the tea for about 3 minutes. Soothe your throat pain with a warm compress. You must try these, they work. You can how to treat allergies sore throat as many cups as you like. Be sure not to scald your skin. Is It… Read More »

Can genital herpes be one sore

The signs and symptoms may recur – i told her I’d gotten HSV sore out of herpes country and was interested in a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. The blood test has many limitations and doesn’t necessarily provide information that is helpful in management of the infection. The virus genital through sexual contact and… Read More »

Why are my breasts sore before a period?

The menstrual cycle can cause many symptoms, including sore breasts. Hormone fluctuations before a period can lead to breast tenderness or pain. Doctors do not fully understand what causes these breast symptoms, but they know that specific hormones are involved. People can take some measures to reduce breast discomfort. However, if their breast pain becomes… Read More »