Tag Archives: These

These millennials are transforming the multibillion-dollar health-care industry in the face of coronavirus

In a new series, CNBC Make It speaks to young entrepreneurs who are pivoting their businesses, or starting anew, to address some of the challenges raised by the coronavirus pandemic. The race is on to combat the coronavirus.  Since the outbreak was first identified at the start of this year, pharmaceutical giants and institutions have been… Read More »

These Honomobo Prefab Tiny Homes Made From Recycled Shipping Containers

There’s a lot to be said for paring life down to the essentials. If you’ve ever lived in a cramped shoebox apartment you probably discovered there are actually benefits to a simplified lifestyle: you can’t fill your space with more than you need, forcing you to allocate your funds and energy wisely, on the things… Read More »

How long will it take to burn off these calories?: The controversial next step in nutrition labeling

According to scientists, Brits consume, on average, 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone. So, in an experiment published last year in the British Medical Journal, U.K. researchers explored whether providing people with the amount of exercise required to burn off the calories in, say, a single piece of mincemeat pie (21 minutes of running) or… Read More »