Tag Archives: Effective

Breast cancer: One-dose radiotherapy ‘as effective as full course’

A single targeted dose of radiotherapy could be as effective at treating breast cancer as a full course, a long-term study suggests. Researchers said people who received the shorter treatment were also less likely to die of other cancers and heart disease in the following five years. But cancer specialists have raised concerns about the… Read More »

How effective are antibacterial wipes

Wipes research found that a lot effcetive antibacterial effective products were not as effective as good old fashioned soap and. Nonetheless, the hint of the tougher future triclosan might are favoring how, perhaps, a bit troubling. The problem is that, when was less lethal than the antibactreial receiving the flu shot chemically treated hair, and… Read More »

How effective are muscle relaxants

Skeletal muscle relaxants are widely used in treating musculoskeletal conditions. However, evidence of their effectiveness consists mainly of studies with poor methodologic design. In addition, these drugs have not been proven to be superior to acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses support using skeletal muscle relaxants for short-term… Read More »

Why are antibiotics less effective now

Reduce your risk of getting a foodborne bacterial infection. Changing the target Many antibiotics work by sticking to their target and preventing it from interacting with other molecules inside the cell. Still, bacteria can infect almost any organ. Whiche sentence is true about protecting yourself from infectious diseases. Less commonly, some people have an allergic… Read More »

How to Create a Safe and Effective Strength Training Program for Pregnant Clients

Have you ever been in one of these situations? Situation #1: A client you’ve been training gets pregnant. She asks you what this means for her strength training program. What do you say? Situation #2: A new client wants to start strength training with you… but she’s pregnant. What do you do? If you’ve ever found yourself… Read More »