Tag Archives: Yoga

How often to go to yoga class

However, it’s generally accepted that teachers need to be insured. Hold the breath for a few seconds. Practicing yoga promotes stress how often to go to yoga class and may ease anxiety. Make sure that the clothes you are wearing are comfortable and flexible. The effects of yoga on mood in psychiatric inpatients. Yoga is… Read More »

Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, degenerative, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects approximately 2.5 million people worldwide.  Idea behind involving yoga in healing MS, is to balance the nervous system without inflaming and aggravating the condition.  MS symptoms vary greatly and may include weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, tremors, rigidity, muscle wasting, difficulty walking, tingling, numbness, and sensitivity… Read More »

Restorative Yoga Benefits

Yoga is something very special, an amazing personal development art with a complex science built into it. It has a rich history of over 5000 years, formulated founded in India by “Siddhis”, or in simple terms, individuals who studied the body and the way it holistically functions. These alchemists and surgeons systematized asanas, pranayama and… Read More »