How long will craving for diet soda last

By | September 3, 2020

how long will craving for diet soda last

Or Coke Zero, depending on my mood. Actually sometimes I even go wild and opt for a Pepsi Max. I have consumed sugar-free soft drinks for as long as I can remember, despite the fact that I know they’re full of artificial ingredients and sweeteners. As someone who prioritizes eating a balanced diet and following a healthy lifestyle, my friends and family are always surprised that I am such a Diet Coke fiend. I know, it doesn’t make sense. Towards the end of , I realized my consumption was getting particularly high, and I was drinking a Diet Coke or another sugar-free soft drink most days. It seems like every health, fitness, or nutrition expert you speak to says something different about diet sodas, and the studies into the area reach equally confusing conclusions. The overall health implications of consuming artificial sweeteners are widely contested, and the same goes for their impact on weight management.

This article was written by Amy Schlinger and provided by our partners at Prevention. For me, it’s downing liters of Diet Coke. I can’t remember exactly when our relationship began, but it was probably sometime in college. When I was growing up, my parents didn’t even let us drink soda in the house. And recently, the relationship became very intense. I drank Diet Coke at least three times a day, and it started to feel excessive. If I was tired, I’d reach for a Diet Coke.

Like literally, what was I going to drink?! Never heard of it? Congratulations sodaa your success! The healthier your gut, the healthier your digestive tract. Diet soda can cause breakouts. Diet coke is more than just caffeine and Aspartame. Became such a hassle so many times in my life, I swear that was one of my biggest motivations to quit.

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