Recycling and Protecting Our Earth from Pollution

By | September 21, 2018

Protecting our earth is as important as protecting your home, if not for the present generation, at least for the sake of our children. Homes are relatively easy to protect with modern gadgets like the ADT Home Security Systems for example that will forewarn the household of an impending fire, but the earth needs something different and on a massive scale. And most of the threat unlike in a home comes from human consumption waste, smoke emission from automobiles and land fill. There are many items that we dispose even without a second thought, like computer disc for example. Did you know that instead of sending them straight to the land fill, it is possible to put them to different uses and extend their use? When you extend their use, you are actually reducing the need to produce something afresh that will need lots of energy, and energy production is a pollution intense product remember.

The key to recycling is sorting the waste we generate in the household. There are at least two broad times into which you can divide them; those that a perishable and fit for land filling and the other that will take decades to degrade and consume enormous amounts of oxygen while they do so. So keep at least two trash cans and teach your children their purpose. While the degradable ones can be confined to the trash collector keep the recyclable ones safe and find a use for it or give it off to some companies that use them in making ornament products, or even recondition them for use a second time.

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Here are some recycling tips, although not exhaustive, you can add some to it and help make the earth a greener place to live.

1.Say no to disposable water bottles. Instead use water filters and if you have travel then fill water into a reusable can. Imagine what it did be like even if just 1000 people did it on a day; 2000 disposable bottles saved and quite a lot energy that goes into their making.
2.Buy recycled products and refurbish them. That includes the insulating materials you use in the homes to keep warm. Did you know that there are even recycled papers that you can use comfortably for your writing needs?
3.Give some of the old things that have been languishing in the cellar for ages. Recycle artists can make beautiful ornamental decorations for home, and you can even buy them and decorate your home.
4.Why let the water from the shower down the municipal drain? Why not use them to water your garden? Did you know that it takes a lot of energy to wheel, process and supply water to the homes? You can even think about building a pit and storing rain water for later use.
5.Think many times before you buy another refrigerator, a TV or computer for your home when the one you own is working fine. Stop that immediate urge to buy fancy electronic products that pollute the earth and consume a lot of energy to make. Extend their life until they become unusable. That way you will not only be saving money for yourself, but a lot of strain on the earth too.
6.If you don’t like something in your home why not give it away in charity where they will be used? There many recyclers and groups who can help you do that, and in fact they will even help you take it to the charities.
7.Why not you become a going green enthusiast in your area and start an organization to support groups that are striving to make our earth a greener place? It can help spread word about the harm we are doing to the earth and how we can stop that happening and even reverse it.

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