Taubes diet and blood pressure

By | September 21, 2020

taubes diet and blood pressure

Gleibermann et al. Usually the blame is placed on excess salt. Not until after these campaigns were well under way, however, did researchers set diet to do studies that might be powerful enough to resolve the underlying and. While dket, that trial taubes just one of pressure. Infor instance, David McCarron and colleagues from the Oregon Blood Sciences University in Portland published in Science an analysis of a national health and nutrition database suggesting that salt was harmless.

THE first time I questioned the conventional wisdom on the nature of a healthy diet, I was in my salad days, almost 40 years ago, and the subject was salt. Researchers were claiming that salt supplementation was unnecessary after strenuous exercise, and this advice was being passed on by health reporters. All I knew was that I had played high school football in suburban Maryland, sweating profusely through double sessions in the swamplike degree days of August. While sports nutritionists have since come around to recommend that we should indeed replenish salt when we sweat it out in physical activity, the message that we should avoid salt at all other times remains strong. Salt consumption is said to raise blood pressure, cause hypertension and increase the risk of premature death. And yet, this eat-less-salt argument has been surprisingly controversial — and difficult to defend. Not because the food industry opposes it, but because the actual evidence to support it has always been so weak. When I spent the better part of a year researching the state of the salt science back in — already a quarter century into the eat-less-salt recommendations — journal editors and public health administrators were still remarkably candid in their assessment of how flimsy the evidence was implicating salt as the cause of hypertension.

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Taubes diet and blood pressure pity that now

Eating carbohydrates prompts the kidneys to hold on to salt, rather than excrete it. Indeed, the controversy over the benefits, if any, of salt reduction now constitutes one of the longest running, most vitriolic, and surreal disputes in all of medicine. First, Gary Taubes makes the case that high blood pressure is associated with the pre-diabetes condition of insulin resistance, which is also called metabolic syndrome. It implied that cutting salt intake from 10 grams a day to four would reduce blood pressure by 2. Just as diabetes was rare in traditional societies until they began eating a Western diet, researchers noticed the same was true for cancer.

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