How Depression Can Be Treated

By | September 7, 2018

It was found that 80% of people affected by depression can fully recover if they follow a proper treatment combined with psychotherapy sessions. Globally, depression is one of the most common causes that affect mental health. The treatment is a basic component in improving depressive states, including visits to the psychiatrist. A major untreated depressive episode extends to 6 months of suffering, sometimes more. To qualify for a diagnosis of acute major depression, it must be a minimum of two uninterrupted weeks of symptoms.

Sometimes, in order to combat depression episodes, the most effective remedies can prove to be natural treatments: from lifestyle changes, to changing harmful thoughts. Depression is successfully treated with professional counseling, antidepressant medication, or a combination of the two. Often, a combination of the two works better. People with depression can be treated without being hospitalized, but in severe cases, it may be needed. If you have mild to moderate depression can be diagnosed and treated by the family doctor with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Psychotherapy is the preferred treatment for depression, which is a conclusion after several meta-analyses. Secondly, it is combined therapy (psychotherapy and antidepressant medication), which is currently used in the treatment of depression. The aim of cognitive – behavioral psychotherapy is to counteract the thoughts, memories and negative beliefs that keep depression and are vulnerable to future depressive episodes. The patient is taught to think more rationally and to find solutions to its problems.

Specifically, to treat forms of anxiety, stress or depression, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy sessions involve completing several steps:

· Understand what is happening in the mind and body;

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· Understand how the problems arose;

· Find out how we can solve it;

· Correcting dysfunctional thinking style using cognitive restructuring methods;

· Optimizing sleep quality using relaxation methods;

· Cultivating positive emotions by practicing optimism.

Certain supplements can help reduce depression. For example, omega-3 fatty acids (fish or certain seeds) or folic acid may help combat this state of disorder. However, the decision to take supplements should be taken only after consulting a specialist doctor, especially if you follow a medication.

Smiles and laughter are a “super vitamin” that helps restore the heart after an unfortunate event. Moreover, smiles reduce stress level, contributing to inner relaxation. Depression and anxiety can be combated through change. These episodes indicate inner disorder that something in your life does not go as it should. Therefore, it is important to notice that things are wrong, in order to make those changes that you need.

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